Vision of School


JNMEI is to impart education to the poor children in English , as it is a rural and undeveloped area it does not have any education institution or schools which impart education in charity, to be a school from which students gain a sense of personal accomplishment, self confidence and a lifelong love for learning .

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About J.N.M.E.I


Jagadguru Narendracharyaji Maharaj Education Institute is a Centre for excellence the school is registered under the trust Jagadguru Narendracharyaji Maharaj Sansthan, under the act formed in the year 2009 with education by laws the Sansthan started the Jagadguru Narendracharyaji Maharaj Institute in the year 2009 -2010 vision of quality education it is a affiliated to Maharashtra SSC board.

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Chairman's Message


Science and Spirituality are the doors of today's modern world where we try to discover the things of technoculture and ultimate goal of human life and this is what we carry out in our institution that is Jagadguru Narendracharyaji Maharaj Educational Institute. Education is not near accumulation of facts it is preparation of life itself education is knowledge imbued

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Principal's Message


"Jacques Delors has rightly said that Education is based on the four pillars of Learning to Be, Learning to Know Each other, Learning to Do & Learning to Live and share together." It is rightly said that “Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of intelligent effort.” Ignorance is bliss until it hits you in the face.

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